The day started out as any other day...getting kids up for school, dressed, and breakfast eaten. Then off to school! C had a wood delivery in Lake Panasoffkee and I've never visited I went along for the ride! Lake Panasoffkee is known for it's nature park and perserve which offers birdwatching, biking, camping, horseback riding, fishing, hiking and hunting. As we drove I watched bait shops, horse farms, cow pastures, Mom & Pop stores and resturants go by...some still operating, some not. There were lots of properties with For Sale signs in the yards. An older gentelman walking on the sidewalk with a walking stick wearing a white shirt and overalls. Lots of bicycles parked at a corner store. I said to C, "A small town of country folk just trying to survive!" He nodded.
We made our delivery then picked some sour oranges & tangerines. Can't wait to make some sour orange maranade and candied orange rind! Yummy! As we drove back through town I noticed a thrift store and said, "Let's stop!" And this is the treasures I found...
I adore vintage sheets! I'm still thinking of what project I will use them for. I collect tea cups, saucers and dishes no particular brand, just anything that catches my fancy. There was another tea cup that I wanted to get but I broke it. I'm such a butterfinger! I paid a whopping $10 for the lot.
Isn't this tea cup cute? No stamp though.
My grandmother used these dishes, they were her everyday dishes. I just can't pass any by when I see them...they remind me of her. This is my first serving platter of the set!
The ones that had markings stated they were made in the USA. So my visit to Lake Panasoffkee was a very enjoyable experience! I love visiting different out of the way places here...there are so many things to see, smell and taste! I forgot to bring my camera...again. I hate it when I do that. And I really love finding treasures!!
I'm working on another purse for Rinny, I should have it done tomorrow. I'll post pictures when I finish it!