I have been busy sewing and getting ready for Thanksgiving here. I just got finished making 14 pairs of undies for my grand daughter, Rinny. She loves monkeys!! Do you know how hard it is to find t-shirts with monkeys on them?
My mom came down for the holidays, so we have been catching up and shopping (of course)! I am working on a Fold-n-go play mat (My Little Pony) for my grand daughter's Christmas present. I will post pics and where I got the idea from when it's done. I got the idea to make a Dinosaur fold-n-go for my grandson. I'm making a Batman Messenger Bag for my 12 year old for Christmas too! Also making facial scrubs to give as gifts. Last year I started a memorial sheet that everyone signs that comes over for dinner at my house, then I embroider everything! I'm wrapping that up as well. I will post pictures as I go.
We had an escaped chicken this morning!! I wish someone had gotten my son and I chasing that thing all around the property on cam. Now that was a funny site! I was laughing so hard at my son I couldn't move! We got him back into the coop after about a 30 minute chase.
I started cooking for Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday and I'll be cooking right up to Thanksgiving! I'm tired already...LOL! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!