Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!!

Check out our new lawn mowers...

From Blogger Pictures

HAHAHA!  That is Beau and Ali taking care of the over grown grass in our back yard!  I am a total believer in recycle/upcycle.  They did a very good job!  If you look way in the back you can see Carlos' latest project...relocation of the pig pen.

Pictures of my latest shopping spree...

From Blogger Pictures
I got all of these mason jars, a Downey ball and two of these giant plastic containers...all for $.25 each!  I'm thinking of using the short ones for lemon-sugar facial scrub as gifts for Christmas!  Plus...

From Blogger Pictures
These buckle clips and nylon(future backpack), elastic, fabric crayons(never tried these), old metal hoops(just because), and an Oreck clothing shaver(electric)!  Plus...

From Blogger Pictures
Two pairs of flip flops and loafers(half price).  Plus...

From Blogger Pictures
This gerogous scarf(thinking of using as a table runner), head scarf(for me) and leather purse organizer at $.25 each!  Plus...

From Blogger Pictures
Two pairs of winter slippers(half price)!!  I'm so tired of my feet freezing out here in the winter time! 

Not pictured here were two pairs of golfing shorts for Carlos ($.25 each), a pair of jeans for me($.25), two pairs of pants I'm going to make into purses($.25 each), a t-shirt for Michael($.75), and various toys for the kids.  Total price you ask??  $24.12 including tax!!  It wasn't even half price day yet...I'm so proud of myself!  Go T...go T...go T...LOL!

I'm getting things ready for a ROAD TRIP tomorrow.  We are packing up the Family Circus and heading way over to the East coast of Florida, Daytona Beach!!  A wonderful 3 hour drive with Curly, Larry and Mo!  My daughter is getting married on the beach...this is going to be such an adventure!  I will take lots of pictures to post later.  I need to get some rest!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter weekend from The Family Circus!!