I finished Rinny's purse...BLING...BLING!
A t-shirt bag I made for my beautician...
think she'll like it?
I found the time to re-screen the sliding glass door and I made a spoon door handle all by my little self! Ignore the couch on the back porch...it's on the way OUT! Well at least it's out the door anyways...LOL!
Upcycle of a little dress I bought for Rinny...
it was too long for her so I cut off the excess and sewed it back on as a ruffle....
it was pretty easy to do and a lot of fun!
And this is my pride and joy; got the idea from here...
I found a use for that scarf and pendant I blogged about here.
This was made from a pair of pants that I paid a whole 25 cents on! They had the cutest embordery on the pants leg, that was actually the reason I bought them (will post pictures of what I made from the legs...later).
I think I might have paid $1 for the sheet I cut up and used for the lining. Even a sick house can't keep me from creating! I love it!!