Thursday, April 19, 2012

Under Pressure!

This is a friend of mine Maria!  She asked me a while back about making her a vest to go with one of her favorite skirts.  So we have been discussing style and color of fabric.  I purchased the Lutterloh System years ago and I've used it a few times.  So I told Maria that I could make the pattern for the vest and custom fit it to her.  She was very excited to hear that.  At the time we discussed it she said she wasn't in a big hurry or anything.  I was suppose to bring my patterns to her for her to look over and I kept forgetting them.  She was in no hurry right?!

Well I finally remembered to bring them to her this past Monday.  That's when she popped it on me.  She handed me a bag with some fabric, thread and buttons in it.  She said, "Can you make this by Thursday?"  I about pee'd myself.  LOL.  I told her I would try my best.

So I measurement her and took everything home to get started.  I made the pattern that night and had to take it to her to make sure it would fit her. So on Tuesday that's what I did and it was a perfect fit!  While there she told me she'd rather have a white one instead of the green one and handed me some more material and thread.  She also wants a new blazer, she showed me her old one, but said that could wait til later.  I about had a heart attack until she said "could wait til later!"  I told her I would do my best to make them both.

I started working on them that night.  I finished the white one on Wednesday first and tried starting the second and my mother's machine started acting up.  I got so frustrated that I just said enough!  Thinking I was going to have to take my mom's machine in for maintenance (would be hard to explain that to her later) I decided to try cleaning it first.

This morning following the manual I did it, re-threaded it and VOLA!  It was working!!  I was SAVED!!  8am I was sewing my lil butt off trying to finish the second vest, by 11am I was finished.  I packed up everything, including the machine, so that I could fit it exactly to her.  I was at her work by 1pm and had fitted both vests by 2pm.  Here they are...

From Projects

From Projects
She has them on over her street clothes mind you.  She was very happy with them too!  

I also made her a few rosettes and leaves out of some of the scraps of both colors.  I gave them to her so that if she wants, she can tack them onto the vests. 

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